Anyone else think zatana is super broken right now?
Cap's outfit in the Avengers tower statue looks better than his default skin.
I bet they all think that
“then the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again”
coaxed into why do they do this
He is still Invincible
God forbid a girl into monsters
What you guys think of the mobile version of DC Allies?
Bill Finger is rolling in his unmarked grave
God forbid a woman wants pregnant but no baby
I just fought Raphael for the first time.
I grew up idolizing you, I wanted to be you so bad, Now I can’t stand to look at you
Who is going to be the first flying healer?
So when do we get a mirror dimension map?
We all got fooled! NoDmgRocket Got Exposed by WintonOW2, The Biggest Healbotter Is Boosted by a OAA 4 stacks, Has Terrible Positioning And Couldn't even Aim with C&D
I might have found a kratonks victim
Heh. I just now noticed Buddy the dog has Barkskin.
So called “Strategist mains” when they start getting camped by Spider-Man
Rocket/Adam/Jeff are good for the game. Streamers just can't cope without defensive ults.
Why does everyone say they’re in grandmaster
Why does the friendliest character have the most unfriendliest players?
Holdsbackman anti-feat?
When you see a spiderman in game, this is the only appropriate response.
I am Stonetoss