Gorosei vs 5 Kage, who would win?
Who would win?
Which main protagonist has the best pain tolerance? Gojo, Luffy, Naruto or Ichigo?
Who wins? Shikamaru (Naruto) or Doflamingo (One Piece)
Luffy Vs Bugs Bunny who has more toon force.
Tyler the creator concert
What feats will Eos luffy be capable of?
In your opinion, understanding of statements and narrative between these two should be stronger, Ragnarok Itself or The Guardian Dog of the land of Gods?
Who wins?
How powerful do you think Loki (One piece) would end up be?
(Final war) Deku VS (Ennies Lobby) gear 2 Luffy
Relative to their verse, who was more powerful?
Before he gets feats what tier do you think Loki is?
Who wins and what diff?
Law vs All Paths of Pain
In the r/nfl sub. Dizzy fans are spiraling
Additional of CHP 1140
You guys downplay one piece far too much.
BREAKING NEWS: one piece fans actually use this to proove one piece scales to solar system because why the fuck not.
Second world
ONE PIECE Chapter 1136 — Summary