What comedian has so much hype but you don’t think is actually funny?
Lil stash to last till June
I tried Whataburger for the first time in 20 years, while in vacation. Are they punishing me?
still sneezing and can’t yawn properly 30+ days sober
There's too much fucking shit on me. I can't breathe.
Just a casual walk in Philadelphia streets during spring.
What is this font called?
Anyone? Need font name
What’s a sign that someone is way smarter than they let on?
Wtf peach pearlz vanished
Do conservative Republicans *seriously* not understand or appreciate the level of rank hypocrisy in almost nearly all of their positions?
Mild sweat while walking, extreme sweat as soon as I stop
Does Desoxyn ever actually get prescribed?
Indigenous Moorish music
Truly did not know anybody thought this
Been opioid free for nearly 8 years. Still can't sleep for shit. Likely won't ever.
My friend let me move in after my parents kicked me out, but now he’s furious because I can’t cook, my food smells disgusting, and I feel like a complete burden
What Blood Meridian scenes do you think will be cut from the film?
Genuine question for all Sovereign citizens, moorish Americans, etc.
The GOP Traitors chain of command
So whatever happened with these "mass deportations starting on day 1"?
The "that's never been done in D2 History" Thread
[MO] Can a judge be "required" into ordering a competency evaluation or is it solely at their discretion alone?
Can a judge be compelled to order a competency evaluation, or are they done on a purely discretionary basis?
Found my old notebooks circa 2012-2014
I want to apologize to President Zelenskyy and the Ukrainian people-our government’s treatment of you is disgraceful!