Awful sex life caused by size
Question for partners of BD guys
As the girlfriend of a big dick man, I really miss when sex didn't hurt and could be spontaneous :/
my fiancé wants me to drink her breast milk
(27M) Partner’s behavior feels more obsessive than affectionate—need advice
I (35M) was honest about my kinks early on, but I've had to let that side of me die
How do I respond when being lectured to while also communicating that I don’t like being talked to that way?
Boyfriend doesnt understand why I'm so sad about my mom passing
Resentful towards my 39m husband (44f)
I like visiting statue
Pec growth creating a 'dip' above breasts. How to remedy?
What grimes song makes you go like this?
Daily Discussion Thread
Experiences with aerobics?
I just passed a book store right outside the gates in a subway station in Seoul the other day, but I was in a rush and can't remember which station it was. They sold korean literature in English, does anyone know which station it could be? :')
Weird Question But...
Are y'all still f'ing w her?
The interaction with my 2 year old kid by random mature ladies on the street is becoming very irksome.
Did anyone else get weird food habits and feeling naseous when eating just after moving?
In three days I'm moving from Scandinavia to Seoul for exchange studies and it's my first time living on my own. I am TERRIFIED. And excited! Any survival tips or words of comfort? :')
How to tell whether an ER is full ahead of time?
Lat pull down always feels awkward
Love the way he pushes my head down while fucks me
Our sex life has some serious issues and I don't know what to do.