Looking for a very specific type of Midwest Emo
Why is the Midwest the way it is?
Delete 1 row forever
Metamodern novels
Long Ass Road trip who gets the aux
Help me understand American Football
Chill pedophile
Can you get a PhD in Europe with a BA in America
What album that you’ve given a 5/5 has the lowest number of ratings? What 5/5 has the most ratings?
Tom's Crossing/The Familiar Question
What is everyone’s favorite cover albums?
Are there any art degrees that are actually worth it??
And everybody died, The End
What is the funniest literature book you’ve ever read?
Millennial uncle clip request
Am I the only one who thought Hariyama was an onigiri?
Y’all remember this episode?
Top 20 albums 2020s from what i have heard so far
albums I genuinely consider a 10/10
What did my toddler just put in his mouth?
Never in my entire life would I have expected this:
UHC shooter had IJ on his goodreads
Help me find the band led by the great-granddaughter of Percy and Mary Shelley
Top comment changes the map: Correction: Utah finally complete (Day 7)