Abnormal EKG - please help
Are autistic people actually awkward or just not as easily manipulated?
Does this look normal?
Is my ecg normal?
AFIB that felt worse than normal.
Holter results came back. Are these PACs?
Smokers unlikely to quit with just willpower, say researchers. Those using e-cigarettes, medication or heated tobacco products are more likely to successfully give up smoking.
Can you figure out which ventricles are these originating? Left or right?
ecg changes in t wave?
Check pls. Symptoms- chest pain, passing out
Is this a suspicious way to pack creatine for a flight?
First time catching a palpitation on watch
Does this EKG look normal ?
Do you think we will recover?
Been having dizzy spells, headaches and random chest pain. This is what my Apple Watch ecg shows. Any insight is great appreciated.
Is there anything concerning?
or nations
I feel so different after only 3 months of drugs
better see what you inhaling.
Roommates drank my Japanese whisky collection while I was in Japan for 2 weeks
Cold Sensitivity
Fuck Benzos I'm dying shaking, hot cold nose running I would eat my own shit for a kpin
My first election as an American
My lower lip twitches when I puff my cheeks or make a pout like shape . No other problem is this als ? I am 18
What is this??