I want to give a big fuck you to whomever made it okay to pinch people on St. Patty’s Day
asco questions are annoying the customers
I can’t even be sick without NM trying to upstage me
I looked through my baby photos recently, and noticed something.
Question to Lowe’s employees: is this normal?
Who’s the nicest driver you’ve met?
Head Cashier making me stay way past my shift
I can’t stand checking out broke/cheap people
I’m just a cashier
I called out of work and I feel bad for doing so
I lost it on my kid this morning
My heart goes out to you- 8 ASCOs
My daughter and I can’t get along
code 50
"dOn'T wOrK tOo HaRd!¡!"
This guy made me want to punch him in the face
My 6 year old had a meltdown over being asked to clean up
Were you spanked as a kid?
A driver you despise for “ridiculous” or “stupid” reasons.
Mom struggles
Can I call out 2 days in a row?
Alright, how was everyone’s store meeting?
I feel guilty for sending my 4 year old to public school
My top 3 biggest pet peeves as a cashier
Stumbled upon my friend’s estranged mom’s Pinterest