Whole Lotta Red > I AM MUSIC
How do indigenous people in tropical climates wear very little clothing and if they have to avoid mosquito bites?
Raw muscle meat is safe, no excuses
Did Uber Eats get rid of acceptance rate?
Y’all that are clowning osamason must be team diddy lmao
Help with SHP
Damn lil o 💔😭😂✌🏾
I think online dating is a bunch of bologna
Is it ok to eat grocery store beef rare (blue)?
Not even gonna ask how I did because I did well
Kendrick is a hypocrite
we should all leak our meats so osamason doesn't feel bad
As an Osamason listener, I never thought I’d feel overstimulated listening to a Carti song but wtf is going on here 😭
Why is everybody so excited for Carti to drop? This dude weird ash and his music mid asf
If there was no laws against nudity do you think that a lot more people would go completely nude or wear more revealing clothing in the summer our places where the climate is mostly hot or warm?
Not Digesting Milk Properly
Is our piss really supposed to be golden?
How much did you grew after 15?
bro. why. first 100+ dollar order.
Are we supposed to be eating like 3x a day or like 6x a day small meals?
Men's love and attraction is conditional on a women being young and attractive
If you had to choose only one between something to cover your genitals or footwear, which would you choose and why?