Is this good? its my first time playing and i really like the game. Im about to upgrade my coop
At the start of every game recently I've had completely different people said "why is it always a doom" or he's gonna do trash despite not seeing me before. Did something happen? Why's everyone hating on doom again?
I found this in a Greek movie from 2009
Was rewatching 1x1 and had a question...
Bring attention to Lost and Found Claim Ticket from Steam Workshop
Rein duels are dead?
dude how did the nether go to shit that quickly
pick a path
Rule check
~1 ( ' rule
Nah they don’t…
Shout out to characters that should be able to fly
TIFU By underestimating how body fat plays into staying warm.
I cant make this shit up
Super Mario Redneck Bros
crazy how one mistake on doom gonna end you up like this
Never has a tank's death been fast enough to leave me in such awe
Is it part of baus'es strategy that he builds often way more offensively than most players?
A drgmain professionals guide to the secrets of the official discord server's rulebook. And my honest analysis on it for the ones who care.
on-hit scaling kills every champ it touches.
i need a drink
It’s 2025, give us ranked aram
My low elo ahh thought that Sylas was rare champ
Happy bday to me
I was told I'm the only one person in existence who actually enjoys intentionally overcooked hotdogs
Last days to get hextech chest by playing games.Never buy new battle pass lads...