Why do grown men not clean up after peeing on the toilet?
What is your one secret you wish to tell everyone but probably won’t?
What’s a weird turn-on you didn’t know you had until you experienced it?
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How am I supposed too get this heart?
Day 4 of Getting Every US County from Comments
day 3 of getting every comment from a US Counties
What does the richest person you know do for a living?
What’s the biggest plot twist in your life so far?
Woman of Reddit, what's a harsh reality you have to accept as a woman?
What's the biggest waste of money you've ever seen people spend on?
For those in their 40s, what's something people in their 20s don’t realize will impact them as they get older?
What free things online should everyone take advantage of?
Single people, why are you single?
What's the dumbest thing you've done on duty?
What’s the most harmless thing that makes you irrationally angry?
What food do you love UNLESS it’s missing a particular ingredient?
What the most painful procedure, ailment, virus, disease you have ever experienced?
What is something you are convinced that people only PRETEND to enjoy?
If you were hired as his attorney in a court case, how would you defend Xehanort?
What are some quirks about your body that you think probably isn’t normal?
Finally set up my fantasy book collection.Gaps are for books I'm missing for a series.
Random thing Google Home said
If you could spend 1 whole day with 1 Fire Emblem character of your choosing, who would it be and why?