What's your opinion on Tommy killing Holly?
Darrow is the Red God. I don't understand how this even up for debate...
Which 5 characters do you wish you had more time with?
I love him for this 😂😂😂😂😂
Based on her description, Red John only makes sense as one person…
The wasted potential is insane 😭
Would you rather
Anyone else hate Damon?
Nicki and drake were dissing on this song. Wayne was unbothered 😂
There seems to be a consensus that Victra is hot stuff. On the contrary, who is the hottest male character? Who do you fancy?
This will go down as the worst response to a diss track oat
What should I watch next based my fav shows?
Can anyone recommend a great TV series with a female lead? Any genre is welcome!
is there anyone like me who just doesn’t care what darrow does you like him anyway
Two neckbeards arguing
I think this series will consume me
Who is the greatest movie villain of all time?
Drop some funny Lil Wayne lines
What’s your comfort show you’ve rewatched a million times?
What’s the coolest movie weapon ever?
Oz's decision at the end didn't make sense...
Most underrated C5 track?
Which movies fit this?
Wayne’s absolute best song from a lyrical standpoint and that demonstrates his complete mastery of the English language?
What moment ruined the entire show for you? I’ll go first.