Gore-gruntas Loadout
I am officialy lost
Cadian Poxwalker update
Model confusion
What happens? (Beginner question)
ID these models
Contesting is confusing
First couple of games and lot of questions
Dumb question, but I only do start 🤗
Help me to build them right, pleeease!
…and I am confused and sad now :-(
Might be stupid question for you; but great issue for me!
What with melee excess dmg?!
My Orikan
What is it about those immortals now?!
Finished PM
PM loadout
Quite proud of this one
Max melee Plague Marines?
Being lost with Plasmancer
Scarab swarm and deadly demise
Question regarding shooting and cover
Should or shouldn’t I start new SM chapter?
Custodes Battleforce Box
Can I play/field scarab ocult terminators in killteam 2021?