Name this trick
Fingerflip in, fingerflip out
Decent blank decks? [35yo]
Fakie Smith Tail Shuv Combo [42yo]
Fakie Smith Tail Shuv [42yo]
Monday morning gave me a firm slap in the bean bag. [36YO]
Are my wheels too soft? [37YO]
Oaks, spine and rocknrolls[44YO]
Got a curb going at an abandoned car park - hoping this’ll be a good spot for the winter! [35YO]
Working on linking up obstacles at this mellow park [35YO]
Why did this setup feel poppier? [40YO]
Tuesday morning making noise. [36YO]
Minimum impact, maximum fun [38YO]
Edit I made with /u/tankboylife filming me. [35YO]
Wide style skate shoes recommendations [43yo]
Old girl new trick [35yo]
The morning routine [36YO]
Two new tricks landed today! [35YO]
Skateboarding [52YO]
My body paid for this, but the drive and determination you can muster when your own kid is pulling for you is f**king magic. [41YO]
Pumped to get my first wallrides tonight [35YO]
Haven’t posted in too long but still having the best time on my board! ❤️💙💚[30YO]
Friday morning dad session [36YO]
Getting over fear of rails little by little [45YO]
Learning my way around this bigger boy [52YO]