Can I use word bearers in 10th edition?
Can you help ID models
What's rhe difference between the DKoK set and the KT
Models in unit requirement questions.
Curious about Restrictions on Detachments
Anyone know what model this is?
When do these come back in stock?
Weekly General Q&A and Discussion Thread: 12 Mar, 2025 - 19 Mar, 2025
Is Battlescribe still a viable list builder?
Blackstone Fortress Expansion questions
Would I be able to paint a redemtor dreadnought as a dark angel dreadnought and play it with my blood angels?
Where can i find updated datasheets?
What other armies hit on 2s?
Hey all, any good apps for rules?
First Time Painting / Advice-Critique
Terminator Chapter Champion
Help with Pile In
Help with identyfing bits
Emperor's Children Codex code not working?
Melta question
Yo what experience do people have with customer support?
Anyone recognize this sprue?
within inches?
Emperor's Children Codex Code Not Working?
About the price of the T'au Pathfinders team.