How can Labour’s proposed welfare reforms work mathematically?
AI will make me unemployed, forever.
If AI replaces human jobs, what will keep these corporations afloat?
Getting weird stutters in Hitman 3 which was not there at launch
An unwanted in-depth review of ONLINE sparking zero from someone who has 150+ hours played and is Z rank.
Why no crossplay?
Match pairing challenges on PC?
Lag/ latency vs input delay and why your abilities aren’t working
I found out how to get into ranked matches faster
Everyone below A5 ranked please read
For the people who tried ghost of tsushima: How hard is the hardest difficulty compared to sekiro
We Didn’t Buy EOD To Fund Arena.
RANT: New audio has ruined any form of tactical playstyle
You can hear crab walk from 43 meters with comtac 4s Patch Notes
Cheating Situation On EU Servers
As a midwipe joiner, I fucking hate customs tasks.
Tarkov needs to act fast on cheating
How Is this person even still around??? EOD at that and 3k hours. Do better BSG, be better.
Cheater bait
New slide cancel mechanic in Tarkov !!! (Must Watch no ClickBait)
Not playing until they put in a good replay system
Let's Hear It - Propose A Genuine Solution To Combat Cheaters
[Rant] The tree biggest reasons cheating is out of hand
To those who believe that DDA is present in FUT, why do you still play?