Stoma Penetration - Cerebral Incubation
Got a new ride, it’s a beefy megabell 🔥🔥🔥
New megabell ride cymbal 🔥🔥
What's your guys fixation?
You have to listen to one of these 5 classic slam albums for the rest of your life, which one are you choosing from these slam classics:
Where do I post my horror stories?
What song lyric makes you cringe every time you hear it?
What are your vocal stims?
What are some of your touch sensory icks?
Do you guys think you'll have kids one day?
What are some more powerviolence bands?
Funniest bit on the Podcast?
What video games do you play? Which game is your all time favourite?
Did anyone else have a period when they started playing they felt like they were making no progress and were super frustrated?
what is one thing that make you very happy
How Does The Fandom Feel About Season 5 of Regular Show
Such a stupid question but what episode is the “eat me like a bug” bit?
What makes you feel safe?
What punk subgenres do you feel are underappreciated, and why?
need the SADDEST midwest emo songs in EXISTENCE
Bridge of my new song
Im fucking sick of how social media has romanticized autism
Music taste
What other genres do you listen to?
Stimming and self regulation is as private to me as using the bathroom.