Holiday in NZ -Bluegill
What sets skyrocketed DJ careers?
What’s something you've only seen once in your life but will never forget?
What's is a guilty pleasure of yours no one knows about?
How I significantly improved my eczema with no drugs or creams.
What's the most distinctively Canadian song you can think of?
What’s the best music festival you’ve attended and why?
I'm a European who has never been to a US Rave and thinks it's better
What coins memes / not memes we backing?
Broach found in North Dorset, UK
Found in dorset, UK. Any idea what it may be?
Where was the last place you travelled that you fell absolutely in love with?
Canon events
What is realistically the greatest threat to the USA?
What kids movie do you actually rate as a good movie for anyone?
Y'all ever use video game music in your mixes?
Vegans that started eating meat again, what happened?
Shark teeth identification
What are you bringing for trades and/or giveaways on the dance floor?
What's a food that you can't eat due to its texture?
Advice for applying for jobs and housing as a couple
BC road trip suggestions.
What body part of yours do you wish you could change?
Another reason Pedro Pascal is so awesome