The character you wanted to main vs the character you actually main
So I got my 3rd lord today , cloak and dagger. How many lords y’all got ?
what an absolute W from the Rivals devs 🙏
What is the most satisfying thing for my tank mains?
Who is that one agent you just cannot play?
Just started and this is my biggest critique...
Tell me your main and I'll recommend a comic to read for that character (except Luna Snow, idk shit about her)
Tf just happened
Here's a little lesson in trickery
What anime should I watch if I want to be thinking for weeks about how good it is?
The DLC we could’ve gotten if there were no leaks
What's a skin you like using that you never see other players use? I'll go first:
Need $20 to Help My Dog
Does anyone know any Red Giant Universe plugin cracks for After effects, premiere pro and davinci resolve?
What battle pass do you regret SO much not buying? I'll start
New player
how do i fix these random floating build pieces in creative? it wont let me delete them
Starting to accept it
Why do women make their accounts private after breakups ?
i failed no contact and paid the price for it
Why do I still want her after she cheated?
Random Question: What is the title that you use?
Why is it so hard to make friends in this game?
Catching a shiny starter pokemon on your first try?
BCX rewards question