I watched a video that said Costco doesn't actually save you any money, so I did some math on what I buy from Costco vs where I used to buy it from
You know that's right
What’s a horror movie that started off strong but completely lost you by the end?
Are there any jobs that are easy to get because people don't want to do them?
Should a candidate apply for only one positions at a time?
Should I email the Foreman about my application?
What should I say to the Foreman?
Lesbian/Queer representation movies?
I think we should classify Stacey as a serial killer based on her recent murders…
100 clues
What is going on U.S.?
It's easy to tell the guy recording the video never worked in retail
Democrats of Greece, please sign petitions for the election this year!
RCSD late buses!
Ben & Jerry's parent corporation axes boss for company's political activism (criticizing Trump)
Ideas on how to help my daughter
Little known/ obscure “bad” movies? (Particularly older ones.)
I have incredibly vivid dreams every night. I SWEAR they feel so real, ALWAYS wake up with dinner plate eyes, why?
Ate spaghetti at a friend's house and instantly thought how different spaghetti is for everyone.
“Don’t do that!”
James roday lore I had no idea about
How many of you guys know Johnny Tsunami and Brink?
lunar eclipse from rochester
TIFU by being intrusively helpful
Schumer apologizes for calling Republicans ‘bastards’