Am I Being Scammed? Poshmark Seller messaged me after item was received.
Seller sells Shien for double the price then threatens me for leaving a bad review
Please could someone help with verifying if it’s real Versace? I saw similar items online and it appears to be from the 90s.I’m just not sure if it’s real.Help is appreciated ☺️.
Is my jacket fitted to me?
I think they heard us complaining....
I’m no longer buying from Poshmark. They have gone straight downhill.
Ever Happen to Anyone?
I'm convinced EA actually wants this game to fail.
Is This Authentic ?
did i get scammed?
This buyer says I’m messing with Poshmark’s integrity. Am I wrong for trying to prove my case?
Best update ever. Cmon ass snifers
They cheated
Poshmark dumpster fire
How much does „switch stance” stat actually affects fighter?
What’s it called when you know you can achieve something but don’t?
Could anyone identify the era of these ?
Any clue on who these guys are?
How old is this brand new Glenbrooke sweater, and is it men’s or women’s?
Help, my sale got cancelled even though I shipped it
Can anyone identify this jacket, it says yellowjacket?
Info on this hoodie? Price check
Any help on this jacket?
Hard time selling. Advice?