How do I overcome having an inferior product?
Safe to leave dog in room while 3d printer is on? (Fume questions)
Would senior care background help me get CFP clients?
How do we feel about the pursuit of immortality on here?
I dream that the world should hit a point where alliances/prosperity are such that immortality is the only thing we focus on as human beings. How do we feel about the pursuit of immortality on here?
How do you think humans will become extinct?
How many of you are ridiculously good at selling a product you don't believe in?
Attack 100%, damage 0%, cuteness ♾
Did your parents spank you as a form of discipline? How did it affect you?
What did you only find out about women when you got a girlfriend?
What does this say about my printer ?
Atheists of reddit what stopped you from being religious?
Make 200-300k working 25-35 hrs per week or 600k working 50-60hrs per week?
Where do people seem to get all there money from?
Did I just find my dream job?
What to do with these?
Is it end of bambu lab era?
Is this considered "work" in thailand?
Scame or legit?
Scam or legit price for this faux plan website?
what is this worth?
It's really peaceful
Best questions to ask at the end of a job interview
I'm 100k in private student loan debt with Sallie Mae, any advice?
Renter's insurance that pays commission/ accepts paid referrals?