Why is One going after Two's power but not Four's...?
Why do people think every straight ship between a masculine woman and a feminine man is "a gay man and a lesbian"?
So which will it be?
What's with these transphobic tiktok slideshows!?
Is reflectivedetective implied...?
Why are dogs becoming so hated on the internet nowadays...?
That time when people started "unstanning" Phoebe Bridgers because she hates cats
Qwel please I hate having to guide a Cosmo player to a medkit or bandage
Chat am I wrong?
What ship do you hate with a burning passion? I'll start
My villain origin story begins if these two ships become canon
Am I cooking with this theory or nah?
What's your opinion on TPOT so far?
Should Dandy's World be included when talking about everything wrong with modern mascot horror?
What are your main problems with Dandy's World story/lore wise?
Another of ao3 post
Doing this meme with Dandy's World ships, what's a gay ship that you see more straight people shipping in this fandom?
Chat I saw someone call fruitcake straight yaoi, does it feel like straight yaoi?
Smash or pass (Joke ofc)
Been seeing complaints about the II finale, so what do you guys NOT want happening in the TPOT finale? (Image unrelated)
I'm starting to question what was the point of making them friends in season 3 now...
Ain't no way y'all think CoinPin is for the heteros
What’s the BFDI ships that everyone loves but you hate?
Ship everyone loves and you hate?