I found this english uncut edition fan project that attempts to restore the original Japanese version, do you think i should watch the show in it or just watch it in 4 kids entertainement original english dub
Honestly i find it sad as much as i find it ironic and funny that the last line in Sonic Boom show is "Well, there's always next season..."
Obasi was a terrible king and did not teach Taka any good life lessons, but in his defense he was more accurate to real life lions than how Disney portrays them since real life lions do sleep most of the day and it is only the females who usually do the hunting while the males protect the pride.
Day 3: Mufasa is The hot one, now who's The only normal person
Anyone else wishes shadow had appeared in more episodes in Sonic Boom?, because due to his very limited (3 episodes) appearences, i sometime forgot he exists in the boom continuity
Mufasa reaction be like to anyone who says that Mufasa: the lion king is a bad unecessary movie
List your top favorite Netflix animated shows!
Honestly i think that the solution of the dinosaur roaming in the world probleme is simply extermimating them
Day 3: Obasi is Made to be hated, now who is the hot one in Mufasa: the lion king
Day 2: Eshe is the fan favorite, now who is made to be hated in Mufasa: the lion king
Who is the Fan favorite in Mufasa: the lion king?
How was Be Prepared translated in your language?
This might be a Hot Take, but i actually relate to Mother Gother, due her motive being staying alive and young forever, and i find her fear from aging and dying understandable (considering that she would die from old age if she stopped using the healing Incantation, as seen at the end of the movie)
Personal Oppinion: Honesly, i prefer watching Aladdin in standard arabic dub due to it being an arabic story which is fitting, what are your oppinions?
Due to eggman's current voice actor, Mike pollock being a... controversial figure to say the least, who do you think should be a new for eggman?
Personal oppinion: i think that Roger Craig Smith voice for sonic work better in Sonic Boom than the games, due to Sonic more rude and sarcastic behavior in the show which is fitting with roger voice and the comedic tone of the show
Give him ONE reason not to destroy the Earth.
You see, i knew it that he would appear, but the question is will dr wu appears in season 3?
it's clear that if it weren't for the earth shake, kiros would have defeated mufasa and taka and killed them both there
What are your oppinions on Ian Hanlin voice performance as Shadow in Sonic Prime?
Honestly i would have preffered scar return in the lion guard in flesh and blood, or at least full body ghost form rather than just a giant fiery floating head, who else agree?
Simba to Kovu in TLK2 basically
Which version of shadow do you think is better?, sonic boom or sonic prime ?and why ?
I always loved this shot of scar smiling sadistically in the lion king 2019, it's one of the scenes with facial expressions in the movie
Question: Why Akua and Amara only ever reffer to kiros by his name or "majesty" and not "brother" despite them being related?