Name this country (wrong answers only)
How they could be buffed or reworked?
Throwers and Snakes Should Target Defences
Do you want to see an Eagle Artillery Substitute?
Which equipment is better for RC?
Unpopular opinion i actually love the snake bracelet
Why is the builders base to horrible
Troop Nerf & Troop Buff
Any update on egale and warden statue?
Who Is the Real Devil?
This card should never have been added to the game
Drop your rework idea
Get predicted noob
I thought shorts with people playing like this were staged...
Would you like to see an evolved x-bow? If yes, what would be its ability?
What is your reason for not joining a clan?
What is this flag? (WRONG ANSWERS ONLY!)
How would you give Mini pekka an evolotion?
New Brawler Concept That Cannot Attack
Who is the worst bs youtuber in your opinion?
name him
Wth even is that??
What happened to this guy?
What is that one thing? 🤔
Since the fire wizard and electro wizard have a dragon variant, why not the ice wizard too?