Husband doesn’t sleep when I sleep
Salaam. I like the worship. and spiritual aspect of Ramzan, but as the month ends, I'm ready to not be fasting everyday. Ramzan feels like a marathon, once it's over, I'm glad I did it. But I am ready for it be done.
I understand having preferences but this is wild imo
He promised to marry me and then…
How was your experience marrying a revert? (as a woman)
I can’t understand how Muslim men feel such little empathy, so much entitlement.
I don’t want to marry this guy
Unable to refund a cancelled order?
Best auto shop for car maintenance in Toronto?
Second flat tire from a pothole
If she’s gorgeous, seems to have it all together, and still single. What’s your theory?
Is it my fault that my husband abuses me? Is there even love that is real and not constantly stressful?
Wife doesnt love me anymore.
Fear of abandonment
My gf (F27) wants me (M30) to choke her. She says if she passes out, it's okay.. a bit weird, isn't it?
Guy (39M) flipped out and dumped me asa I (24F) said I have male friends
25F twerking 26M
How to decide to give your marriage a try vs. divorcing
smelling good without other people being able to smell me?
A guy proposed to me and hes way more attractive than me
Your spouse is a gift
Marrying someone who is converting to marry me
What was your experience like being with an extremely attractive woman when things didn’t go as expected in bed?
Feeling conscious about being curvy
I hate how hyperfeminine my figure is