Rhaena and dreamfyre by cherry rose art
Rhaenyra and Syrax by fkadaenerys
The Green Siblings, by @bearwithegg
Strider you lucky ranger
I made things.
Battle Above the Gods Eye by Draw Souls
Mushroom by TheMarkyGallery
Rhaenyra and Syrax by @Allysaria_
Rhaenyra the black queen by Zacckiell
Battle beneath Gods eye by moth clue
You have 7 seconds
dumb question about kingsblood
Balerion vs quicksilver by s_shinaya
Lyanna and Jon by @Godot_art
King Aegon II Targaryen and Queen Helaena Targaryen with Sunfyre and Dreamfyre @x_alex_arts_x
Ashara Dayne by souryamn
no hero is greater than he would lay down his life for his friends
my dragon, Faeriefyre, commission by Vishap.art
Why didn't Daenerys ever suspect Jon's heritage when he successfully tamed and rode a dragon? She should be aware that only Targaryen and their descendants can do such a thing.
Lady Stoneheart and Lord Bolton by Amueliart
one of the most realistic aspects of the show
they delved too deeply and greedily
What is a joke you didnt get till you were older?