Is Nepal a clown economy?
This guy spoke more about economy and recovering the economy than "Dr" Swarnim Wagle. MP, Sr. Economist with work experience across UNDP, World Bank.
It's just a matter of weeks...Nepal will surely be grey listed by FATF for money laundering...
Is everyone having hard time financially in Nepal?
Buda trying so hard to create a bank run...
Inflation will get real after 2026...Nepal graduating from LDC to Developing status will change many things but Nepal don't have any policies or homework done...prepare yourselves...
Hypocrisy from banker...laaj lagney situation nai cha ta deraiko ani nalajaayera k garney...
नेपाल राष्ट्र बैंकले कुनै पनि नेपालीले विदेशमा बैंक खाता खोल्ने, घर जग्गा तथा अन्य कुनै पनि किसिमको लगानी गर्न नपाइने जनाएको छ ।
Actual economy in shambles, stock market all time highs. Just as intented by the people in charge
Stop buying real estate, it will not solve the unemployment problem of you and your family.
Real state conditions nepal ko
When will real estate start to pick up?
Kathmandu ma real estate crash
Extremely high taxes in Nepal
Investment in gold better that Stock?
Nepal Stock really love Oli in government.
Governor playing the blame game...