Im on season six. Is Jimmy like officially gone?
Lex is speaking facts for the wrong person
Now Lex…
Summer V. Ahna ???
Scotty was the most unnecessary baddie this season.
The newbies compared to the OG’s
Unpopular Opinion: Summer made this season
Unpopular opinion- the newbies CLEARRRS the OGS
Natalie’s Performance of ‘Outside’
Omg 😭😭😭
Official Baddies Africa Auditions Trailer
Ahna stans fighting for they lives trying to defend this
This is killing me 😂
Can Some Explain The Drama Between Ivori And Mal. I’m Not Gonna Wait Another Week For An Explanation.
Thoughts on summer?
Dolly-Summer not worth it!
These two had the most entertaining fights this season (Ivori vs Lex all rounds)
Summer must have brought up Lemmy & all the "allegations" with these 2. Anybody else clock this?
Ahna calling Lex ugly in the heat of the moment felt like when Rollie said Tee wasn’t fuckable
What happened to Mandy's baby?