DAE thinks it’s stupid they offer packs every 12 hours?
Card Drop Events
I COOKED! Regirock/Rampardos
Next Events to Come?
Was Gible really in promos?
In my opinion the best display board and card in the game
Is this a bug?
Secret Mission?!
What is the card you have the most of?
Are crowns hard to get?
Should sets get cheaper over time?
With the Ranked Mode in coming: should we have a banlist ?
3 Arceus EX immersives before getting any other EX in Triumphant Light..
Is my luck terrible in this pack?
Promo cards. What if I don't pull the gible?
Top 64 Qualifiers of Largest Tournament of the Week (1300+ entrants, event still in progress)
Im shaking right now
queuing for beginner
Need help with my Weezing deck, suggestions welcome
I've done the solo event 26 times, not a single Gible...
Just got my areceus emblem from shop without getting a single Arceus ex itself
Better Luck/Chances for Paying Players?
Can the time wasters working on this game make it so we can spend all five event stamina at once
Imagine a game mode, double battle 2v2
Gible Promo Event