Why maximum life over crit damage?
2plate weighted dip VS 2 plate bench
Hump Day Pump Day - Training/Routine Discussion Thread - (November 30, 2022)
An unconventional strategy to save money as a fragrance enthusiast.
Is any roja dove fragrance "worth" the price
not really trying, haha
Bros running PPL, what's your weekly volume per muscle group?
How to tastefully show off physique?
Well... where do you go from there?
Temporarily Cutting Tamoxifen To Boost Libido?
LGD Erectile Dysfunction
Hiding Use From Significant Other?
Silk Worm Diet?
Most Personable Species?
The best large snakes for somebody new to keeping one bigger than 5 ft
I got a new snake, he's got faces on him, friends already making memes
Why wait to feed a new snake?
Is this one better?
Prey Size Tips?
Daily Simple Questions Thread - June 21, 2020
What is your go to herbal laxative?
Classes to Fulfill AQR WAYs?
[Request] Is this accurate?!
Is Stevia a healthy replacement for sugar?