Seeking paint scheme ideas
Drilling gun barrels.
Custodes are tigers, not lions
Ra Endymion Painted in NMM
It's Official lads and ladettes!
Does it matter?
So this is the Patch 7.0 content
My Army so far :)
First of the Guard
Trying out the martian landscape for my Custodes
Paint Color suggestions?
Hotfix 6.2 Patch Notes
These are basically the same model, right?
You will always mess up your first model
Blade Champion - WIP
Almost done with my first blade champion /first miniature
WIP - Blade Champion
Do you guys think a range update to plastic might be coming?
I picked up a brush for the first time ever in my entire life and tried to paint something, didnt really try but how did it come out? This it totally my first time btw
Newbies - Thin your paints!
My 1st 2 units and a blade champion.
9 Allarus terminators
I'm finally happy with this guy.
Hunting down the Emperors enemies