Is a rhinoplasty worth it?
If you are looking Rhinoplasty Surgeon in Turkey
Been working as new grad hygienist in Boston for 6 months. I make 55$ an hr with healthcare, should I ask for raise ?
Question for dental hygienists
Drugs from Mexican pharmacies
Drugs from PV pharmacies?
(21F) How to look better?
Can you reverse cavities that appear like white dots?
Is it normal to not have my teeth scaled at my visit?
My mom’s breath smells SO bad, neglected dental health for years, please help quickly
is it true my teeth will never look clean again? 😭😭
My palete likes weird!
12 - 28
Middle school to 20’s
Any hygienist making 200k?
What massively improved your mental health?
HELP! Dog keeps acting like he needs to throw up
How do you survive dh school?
What jobs pay $70k, in demand, and only require a bachelor's?
Is it worth a $250k loan to study a fast track Dental Hygiene program at NYU?
Question for someone interested in this career
What wedding dress is this?
In school and anything below an 85 is failing