WiFi thermometer recommendations?
How would you rate the Metea Valley high school in terms of academics, clubs and student behavior?
My back is shot, anyone else?
Looking For Cheaper Housing to Commute To Naperville
The Reason Tesla Doesn’t Pay Income Taxes - WSJ
$1.34 for a whole brisket!
Weight goal
Good deal? Good beginner smoker?
Sports PT near Naperville
What’s Trump real end-goal with tariffs against Canada?
We love some mislabeled meat
Think I’m getting the hang of this
Sourdough Loaf
Can you please tell me you're proud of me?
What's your color preference? Is this too dark for you?
Anyone else have a golden that is snow OBSESSED?
Visited a restaurant supply store today, smoker is going to be busy. Also going to try making bacon.
First time smoker, long time lurker.
It’s getting close to time
First Sourdough I’m Proud of
Down 70lbs
Calm, measured common sense is met with more comparisons to Nazis and a yearning to end America
Custom Baby Gate for Stairs
Any idea if my ribs are still safe to eat?