Happy 102nd bday to my grandma!
Full "Cold Moon" sitting on top of Beer Can Building tonight
ITAP of some reeds in morning light
My Tampa photography coffee table book was just published.
What’s this snake? [Southern Kentucky (Cumberland Falls Park)]
First-timer looking for recs
American Crocodile or Alligator [Everglades, Florida]
Black Racer or Rat Snake? Jacksonville, FL
Some Awesome Herps from Borneo
Coastal El Salvador, about 100 meters from beach. Snake was about 2 meters long, came out of shrubbery mid day. Bad picture, all I got was the rear end.
Fish Kill at Booker Creek
Greater Scaup? St Petersburg, Florida
Found this snake in the driveway (Everett Washington)
Great Egret Hybrid? - Bradenton Beach, Florida
Can I get an ID?
[Everglades, FL, USA]
Boo-lan or Bool-yan?
ITAP of Morning Mist at Sunrise
Morning Mist at Sunrise at Sweetwater Wetlands Park
What's this bird I always see in the river?
Hawk, Florida Gulf Coast
Self-service, car wash
ANY IDEAS WHAT THIS SNAKE IS ? My son stood in it in Phuket Thailand just now. Note it has a peach coloured ring at the tail end.
Colorado County, Tx. Snake between my trash cans and carport. No rattler but has a diamond -shaped head. Is this a rat snake? Or other type of dangerous snake?
Cold Moon Timelapse