Can we have Magnificent Map back to 3, or at least to 2?
Konami might be the saddest company to ever have a successful video game.
Finally got Master 1 (and how i got there)
Whats a older deck that you wish got more support?
Master Duel Tournament shall begin in about 2 hours! Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame and other EU content creators will begin! Duel and may the cards be with you!
Posting a Yu-Gi-Oh themed skeleton meme everyday until Memento gets support day:11
So, are you guys enjoying the Fiendsmith Cup?
No one told me just how good SE FS Turn 0 plays are!
This game is not fun, and yet, i cant stop playing it
Tog and MD beef
I’ve had enough of all of you.
So Without Refering Anywhere , Tell Me What's This Card Actual Effect Is?
Its Frustrating to see how Konami handles the Master Duel Banlist
Any non-modern online Yu-Gi-Oh games that are still active?
You are only in DC for the gems. Not the sweatiness. What's your approach? Slow but consistent grind? or stack missions and rush?
Tactical-Try Deck: Exorcist Angels Exosister [OCG]
Current Duelist Cup shows it all
Even when I play other games, the handtraps follow me
Screw this DC
Should moon of the closed heaven be banned?
What are some archetypes That you wish Yugioh would go back and fix or give them new support to make them better.
What's the game mechanics that you HATE the most?
Players Should Not Be Able To Run More Than 2 Archetypes In A single Deck
For any of the few that still play voiceless voice here’s a good deck list and while Beatrice is legal I suggest adding rollback and ghost meets girl or maybe like epedemic eradactor virus