Issued in Public Interest !
Which one should I buy for 6 smart devices + 3 smartphones + TV ?
Ever been in this situation?
Challenge tokens be like
I didn't play for 2 years.... How can I get this gun now ??
Daddy Chill
CODM Daddy Chill
It be like that every day
The most optimised game to ever roam the earth
Is there an api for cod mobile that I can use to get some game data?
CODM is P2W. Stop gatekeeping them.
Only clan war players
This is why I don't fucking play ground war
The stun baton’s model is very large
Who's actually getting shards in these?
You xan Only delete one item from the game ! Choose wisely !
This is a joke
No way the season's over with 20 days to go
Can we get an option to spawn bots in desired locations? It would really help with finding wall bangs and grenade spots
Increase in CP prices for a person living in INDIA!!
Half of my tv screen has gone darker it’s Samsung tv what has happened any idea ?
Ways to use CP.