Tesla posts
Are crocs ok to be walking 10-20k
WIBTAH if I got an abortion without telling my family?
Some coloring i did on my ipad ;)
Is this a tragedeigh?
Quilled Beta Fish I made, paper quilling
[FO] After nearly 2 years, it’s done
Breaking away from self-destructive "hobbies"
How do you associate the name Tori?
my first set of caliart markers! ❤️
12 hours later…
Alcohol markers?
Someone mentioned wanting to change things up; here are some pages I've done with mixed media. Pencils, watercolor, gel pens, paint, markers, you name it.
Tried the Crayola crayons and Peteolium Jelly trick!
Made my cousins birthday cake 🩷
Any tips on using Costco Travel for a trip to Hawaii?
Walking until I remember why I’m here
Wife deleted Amazon account.
[FO] first one finished
Increase in homeless walking up to my door
Tried pastel colors for once
My husband got me a vacuum for my 50th
My journey begins today..
AITAH for not letting a neighbor borrow my tile saw because he assumed it belonged to my boyfriend
Another annoying Costco shopper