Guys... why does my Michael look different? I think my father took me to see the wrong marching band😾
Anyone know if this is a thing?
Found my grail at the thrift
What should I do with this error?
Guys what pc on chains 🥺
Is there a way to turn off card ‘flickering’
Everybody tells me to stop listening to metal music
AIO gf told me not to thank a cashier because I shouldn't talk unless necessary?
Why does the touchscreen take a screenshot every time i upshift?
Is this a Misprint? If so what would it be worth?
Need a pc please
Yo I have no idea what these value at
Any ideas what was flying at high speed in the background?
Dual IPS?
What's a flavour you will never get tired of?
Jnco jeans PC
May I Present To You: The Most Ridiculous Board State I've Achieved Without My Opponent Conceding
Is this normal?
Can someone explain how this is possible turn 4? All they had in the graveyard was a single mountain nothing else was cast.
How to i get all my progress on Plant vs Zombies GW2 on my PC?
On mobile, game says I do not have enough disk space
Hello, I bought 7 Upgrade DLCs for GW2. When does this game start getting good or should I continue buying more?
[TDM] Stormplain Detainment