How to play against Zerg Dk as Mage
Please change how Vellen works in wild. I've been in this round for 18 minutes now and it's not the first time this happens
"I discard Ugin's Binding, it's just a bounce spell"
Yall remember the hype this card got when it was first announced?
Please, can we do something about this?
Most unlucky death ever!
"Pay attention now; it's a blink, and you'll miss it kind of situation..."
Cards that used to hurt my soul after seeing them played 😅
deleted duels to make more signature cards :)
4,253 Remain
[MH3] Buried Alive (d00mwake)
[MH3] Amped Raptor (Polygon)
Struggling to win ranked games in Diamond with Zarimi Priest... am I the problem?
What is your favorite card?
He’s known for his infamous MC Blingtron diss track
Just realized the person who taught me how to play was extremely harsh compared to most pods/players
What was your all-time favourite Hearthstone deck?
Only he can pilot such a monstrosity
"This spell can't be countered" needs to be a bit more obvious.
Let me tell how your beloved Vicious Syndicate behaves to victims of bullying.
Even totem shaman in wild kills you early?
2nd Place is Whispers of the old Gods
Today I lost on turn one
I dont think Dorian is that strong.
Wednesday Discussion - What’s Working and What Isn’t?