How did Adam Jones get that “crunchiness” on Rosetta Stoned?
Lgbtq friendliness in the O.T.O?
On a four hour road trip. gimme some non-tool albums to listen to
What type of magick did the Gnostics practice?
When is the best time to invoke Jupiter?
I experienced an NDE when I was 15.
what was the most scary reading you’ve had??
Thinking about moving to Louisville
what’s your favorite astral projection/obe story that you’ve read or personally experienced?
What’s your favorite story you’ve heard or experienced about astral projection?
How often is discrimination towards occult individuals?
Help with a reoccurring dream when I was little.
Golden Dawn by Regardie or Self Initiation by Chic Cicero?
I keep seeing white lights around my bedroom. does anyone else experience this?
What is this?
What is this? it’s a bayonet of sorts that I bought from my uncle. It’s about 3 lbs, just a bit larger than my forearm, and made of iron or steel
What are the best invocation and evocation rituals that work for you, that is also beginner friendly?
How accurate is the Supernatural show to actual occult writings?
I did the lbrp, and bad things happened. what did I do wrong?
I’m a huge dick and I need to change it.
Ra Ra Rasputin
What is this cursed place? Nearby clues mentioned a cancelled film set...