Never watched anime, would love to start
Pick my first anime!
Brand new to anime, how to I watch it correctly?
What type of schools would accept me? Big 10? schools like UIUC?
Since My school doesn’t offer AP ECONOMICS ( either of them) Is it a good idea to buy and take the exam? Is it worth it?
Senior year schedule
What would you rank each AP course you've taken for difficulty?
List Your Decisions So Far
Can someone suggest a major for me?
Calculus crisis
YOU GUYS decide the BEST AP course. Part 6/8.
Help! Do my courses prove that I am capable of being a STEM major? Furthermore, am I capable of being a STEM major?
Does U of I require AP Calculus for STEM majors?
Is taking AP Calculus AB/BC fundamental for a top college?
What do my classes say about me
Am I cooked? (Math)
Am I screwed?
You can keep 3
Am I screwed? (Math)
Advice for EC's