police arresting scammers on westminster bridge
In a packed tube, a woman prioritised her dog to get a seat instead of people who were standing
Average London experience
Nice to meet you Heather!
Grandma got busy, damn.
Cashier called a woman a biitch. So, her son got involved
Have you ever looked up at the stars and wondered if any of them are home to intelligent life?
After 300 hours and 13k, I'm finally finished. (I think)
Impeach Governor Stitt!!!!
What if the JFK assassination files actually have an UAP connection?
Crazy Ex regularly hits me up with life updates
Former White House Chief Strategist, Steve Bannon, Sig Heils at CPAC today
how to (sarcastically) tell my roommate to clean up?
Genuinely curious
Cab driver in Egypt cannot help himself when he sees a tourists exposed legs
Moved back to Norman
AIO - asked wife if she blocked a guy she cheated on me with in the past .
Roofer says I need new roof
Guy gets aggressive at a Ford dealership
Best apartments in norman
Wait for it, slam!
Choose your fights wisely!!