Patch 22.02 - Sales Tax increase!
Im fucking done with EVE after yet another round of bullshit changes to nullsec.
Yeah pochven extracting to jita is dead. no one is going to stay uncloaked for 2 minutes without dying
It Can't Be That Simple, Can It?
CCP Rattati Interview (March 2025)
Harassment - CCP ignoring my support ticket :(
No Response from CCP on Character Transfer
Best option to sell exploration loot?
(Likely) a record quarter for EVE Online
What would Eve's Ex-Economist Eyjolfur say if they came back?
A tale of two revamps: (One part of) Why Uprising worked and Equinox didn't
CCP, Please talk to us.
Price of minerals all time high :(
The Oz is helping us improve mining! Rejoice!
Meanwhile at the CSM Summit
Pre-CSM Summit Interview with CCP Swift and CSM Members
Miners, Stay Docked! (Also Thanks CCP_Convict for listening!)
Is the risk of burn-in still too high to use OLED monitors for productivity? Has anyone here used one for productive work? Please share your thoughts.
I am utterly and profoundly exasperated
So uhh The Initiative
What's the point of destroying the TTT Keepstar if they're just going to install a new TTT fortizar?
The cost to sub OMEGA is $6.25 a month only !!
Neue Folgen bei Poketcasts
The Oz Appreciation post
CCP banning innocent parties for selling to buy orders at Jita.