From spotlight hour today, also got 1.5mill dust
This makes me very frustrated
Which Hundos should I focus on?
Caught these two within 10 minutes of each other, i already have 3 perfect Dragonites, what would you guys do?
Offering Armored Mewtwo and others; looking for below; see all pages and description! :)
Does anyone know when the next rocket event is? Got this beauty
Still waiting for these to spawn so i can get one for pvp :(
Looking for and Offering Mirror Trades Listed
Looking for great league eligible guzzlord, offering whatever below
Under The Lights: Community Day Skeledirge
I found it, the Quad-A🫡
My first SHUNDO is it worth power upping to lvl 40-50?
Looking for: top or offers. Offering: Bottom and description.
Looking for, offering
Can someone do the math for me 🙃
Looking for lando offering below
Im looking for any legendary BG of this list or other legendaries offering below
What’re your 12 most recent Shiny’s?? Let’s see em
Looking for: Top + offers. Offering Below + ask
Offering TONs of shinies LF GBL/Research Shiny legends
Looking for: first page (all except gmax under 1500CP for great league) Offering page: 2-8
Lf first image/ft second image
Looking for magby to complete Johto dex, offering below or send what you’re looking for
Looking for page 1. Offering page 2-3.