Wtf is this?
44 MTF - How do you deal with your face?
HRT after 40 - PLEASE any comment
let’s talk panties <3
Just came out to a neighbour
New Roomba disrupts my Wifi connections. What is going on?
43 years old, 4 years HRT
Weird things giving off euphoria moments
Subtle feminine clothing for a closeted trans girl
Why am I trans!?
What Fictional Character Cracked your Egg?
Bought a miniskirt
How did you cope pre-transition?
Underwear recommendations?
Did you pick a new last name or keep your old one when you chose a new first name?
What is the best sign of you being trans that you ignored for a long time
Less effort when sick
I'm not miserable being a man, but desperately want to be a woman. How do I figure this out?
Body changer app
My heart is breaking
Anyone else felt younger after transitioning?
Nails/Mani near Vanier or Gloucester
ADHD, trans and age.