Which roamer to counter Hylos ?
Small guy with a big tool
Goated mm builds to make roamers cry. (Your own roam, of course. 🙂)
Upcoming/Current Roamers or Even long time roamers pls read this.
Which hero do you pick not because it is meta, but because you really enjoy playing with it?
Tank Badang is OP AF
What Tank/Roamer are the best in different situations?
Need suggestion for an Exp lane hero
Is Layla hard to use?
Anyone else just hate Dyrroth
Patch Notes 1.9.66 - Adv. Server
What in the steaming pile of hot garbage is this lolita nerf???
How to not counter cici?
Do people not know how chip works?
Which heros are balanced and dont need a buff or debuff
Which one to go with?
What a hero did you fear when you started the game and now you don't fear him anymore?
You wake up/recarnated as your main in the land of dawn, what do you do?
How is this even possible
If in roam take selena can i pick a fighter or tank in mid
What hero in the game that you will never ever pick even they gave you a skin for it ?
Am I one of Moonton’s employee now?
Drop your main
This Suyou was complaining that it was a 3v1 because our Sun was using his clones