What was your first Shundo?
Doesn't get much more useless than this
*SERIOUS* Should I purify Ho-oh for Shundo?
What’s the most elusive shiny for you?
Got my second shundo today… 23 days after my first
What are y’all’s fav Hundos?
How has everyone’s January been?
I win Shadow Ho-Oh raid day. Bangers
A little late but I think my luck for the rest of the year is gonna be shit
My game crashed last night after encountering a 2759 (weather boosted hundo) and I wasn’t able to even attempt to catch it. Then today this happens…
Dialga - 1238 6954 1718
Palkia i have 4 people already
Weather boosted Lugia 123869541718
3 Lugia raids weather boosted 123869541718
Weather boosted Salamence!! Join now - 123869541718
Weather Boosted Mega Salamence - 123869541718
Weather boosted mega salamence on me 123869541718
Back to back mega Salamence on me - 123869541718!
Weather Boosted Mega Salamence on me - 123869541718
Need Friends - 123869541718
Weather Boosted Giratina Raid! 123869541718 - 1/20 shiny odds
Weather Boosted Giratina Raid!! 123869541718
Do you have ridiculous names that you give your Pokémon? ( If you do please share it with me )
Need more friends to exchange daily gifts + xp + invite to raids - 123869541718
Giratina raid - 123869541718. Begins in 20 minutes and will invite whoever is online