Pregabalin expectations
Looking For A Vest Or Plate Carrier For A Big Dude
Im paranoid asf rn wtf
12mgs klonopins and methadone 15mg
8mg Clonazepam + Beer?
First actual mushroom trip, is 2g ok?
2gs of 🍄 and a 1400 gram edible.
Benzos and Alcohol in small quantities okay?
Uncomfortable laughter after 3gs of shrooms
10mg Kpin will I be alr
I wanna know why You like drugs
I feel so fucking good rn
Blacked out yesterday
What is your rule for consuming THC?
Anyone know where to get fireworks?
r/bjj Fundamentals Class!
Gi For A Tall Fat Guy?
Anyone willing to gameshare bo6 pls?
I just ate 1300mg eddy
Best drugs to have sex?
Best movies to watch high asf?
Movies to watch high asf?
What’s yall favourite drug?
Im sorry but I need a 🔌