Got denied donating blood for the first time for my arm being too dirty. Even though this is natural discoloration.😭
Do I look pretty feminine for a Trans Girl?
I am in a trip in Paris
Kuro at Paris
Could boys wake up being horny in the morning?
Would anyone want free vtuber model art?
Would you feel comfortable pooping around your close friends if they didn't care? I'm only talking about platonic friends; not crushes or SO's etc.
Participation prize has no colors and almost nothing
What would you do if you suddenly got breasts that could not be removed?
is it weird to have posters in a bedroom?
Is Hitting your child wrong / fine ill do it myself (those 2 guys messed up)
What do you think of trans individuals
What do you think about women taking testosterone to become stronger?
How big are you?
Where is Spain
What's your opinion on furries?
Es designers
What continent do you live in?
What do you think about girls wearing suits?
Guys of reddit, what was something you didn't know about women till you got with one?
Do you care about karma?
Do you support universal healthcare
do yall take care of your skin?
To any of yall dating a femboy, what is it like?
If any of you are addicted to porn, read this?