“12 Angry Men” has surpassed “Come And See” as the No.2 movie in the Top 250 List
I feel like I'm too generous with my ratings, recommend some BAD films for me
If you could only choose three Tarantino films and the rest disappeared forever, which three are you choosing?
In Your Opinion,Which Is Best Movie That Won Oscar For Best Picture?
Old films are usually brought up because they are held in high regard. What are old films you thought were bad?
What is this "Yes it's bad, but at least it looked nice" for you?
What movies do you refuse to believe are directed by the same person?
What is your favorite performance by a non actor
What ruined your perfect streak?
My top 25, what are your thoughts?
Movies that just feel like a big warm hug to you?
Who’s an actor/actress that has chemistry with almost anyone?
First movie you think of when you see Robin Williams
Drop ur general rating
What movie had an ending so sudden, but not a twist, that it blew your mind?
What Films Have the Best Jazz Score?
Whats your favorite movie poster?
What do you think is the most overrated film of the 2020’s so far?
What else should I add?
Which movies got you this reaction
Favorite Cinematography You’ve Seen In a Film
Name one actor whose movies you'll watch simply because they’re in it
The ads are getting kinda crazy ngl
Everyone of my past girlfriends doesn’t attentively watch movies
Movies you wish you could live in?